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What are online payments?

FBO One supports taking offline and online payments. This article provides an overview of online payments using the integrated credit card processing functionality in FBO One.

Online payments are credit card payments that are processed online using FBO One. The card information is swiped into FBO One using a connected card reader, or by key entering the card information into FBO One.

Online Payment Gateways

An online payment gateway is the path between the software, your merchant account, and the various card issuers that allows for authorization of credit card payments and settlement of funds to your account.

Currently, FBO One supports the MSTS payment gateway only. Internationally, processing is available for Avcard and AIR Card. In the US, processing is available for most aviation fuel cards and bank cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover).

For convenience, it is possible to keep card information stored securely "on file" for future use. The full credit card number is not stored or viewable in FBO One. The card numbers are safely stored in the gateway vault, and a special token representing the card number is returned to FBO One. Subsequent charges or refunds are handled through the passing of the token. 

Online Payment Process

  1. Complete all work on an order.
  2. Start the payment step.
  3. On the Take Payment screen, select "
  4. Successful authorization will result in "Payment has been successfully authorized" message.

Start Payment

When an order is ready for payment, go to the order screen and select the Pay option.

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Why Swipe?

Swiping (card in hand) is considered the most secure method by the bank card issuers. Swiping fills the data fields using the information contained in the magnetic stripe on the card, so it is also easier and more accurate than key entering the information. If purchasing a card reader for use with online payments, it should meet the following specifications:

    • Reads 2 or 3 tracks of data
    • Works as a keyboard wedge
    • USB connection (This is the standard, as most computers have available USB ports)
    • Works with your operating system (Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac, etc.)

Take Payment

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Enter Card Information

After entering the required information, the Submit Card button will be visible. The Submit Card button will move the process to the next screen.

Authorize Online Payment

Successful authorization will result in a green "Payment has been successfully authorized" message. If there is an issue with the authorization process, more information will be shown in red text.

There is an option on screen to open a PDF copy of the receipt for printing. Obtaining a signature on a printed copy is recommended for all transactions, and is a requirement for AIR Card transactions.

Receipts can also be emailed. Multiple email addresses can be used; separate each by a semi-colon (;).

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Telephone Authorization

On rare occasions, approval for a credit card payment may need to be obtained from the card processor (Visa, MasterCard, Avcard, etc.) by telephone. This telephone approval (voice authorization) could occur in the following circumstances:

  • Card has been declined online and customer requests that you attempt approval by telephone 
  • Internet connection problems delay online authorization and processing

The card processor will provide an approval code. The code should be entered in the Telephone Authorization Code field on the Authorize Online Payment screen. Entering a valid code will bypass the standard online authorization checks so processing of the payment may continue. The transaction MUST be processed correctly through your FBO One system in order for the charge to be paid. Simply getting an approval by telephone does NOT get you the money.

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Authorization codes obtained by telephone are only valid for a limited amount of time, so do not delay in using the code.

If a Telephone Authorization Code is used for an AIR Card transaction, a later void or refund/credit of the transaction is not possible online, so please verify that the transaction is correct before processing. If a void or refund/credit is needed, please contact AIR Card Merchant Support for assistance:

AIR Card Merchant Support


Voice Authorization for MSTS Merchants

To obtain a Voice Authorization / Telephone Authorization Code, call:

American Express800-430-7161
AIR Card855-319-0570

You will be required to enter your Merchant ID at the start of the call . If you don't know your Merchant ID, please contact MSTS merchant support now so you can have it on hand when needed:

MSTS/AHT Merchant Support: 


The following information will be requested for the authorization attempt:

  • Amount to be charged
  • Name on Card
  • Card Number
  • Expiration Date
  • Verification Code (3 digits on the back of Visa/MasterCard, 4 digits on the front of American Express)
  • Postal / Zip Code of billing address


Online Payment Complete

After successful authorization, the payment is shown on the order screen.

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Re-Pay an Order

At times, it is necessary to Re-pay an order. Typical reasons for this include:

  • Additional services added after a payment has been processed
  • A pricing adjustment to services after a payment has been processed
  • Wrong card used for the original charge

To re-pay an order, go to the order screen and select the Pay option.

In the example below, an additional service has been added to the order after the original payment, resulting in an amount due. 

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On the 

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Various warning messages are reminders that the previous payment(s) will be automatically voided or credited as required before processing the new payment.

After successful re-payment, the new payment is shown on the order screen, and the old payment is shown as Voided.

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In some cases, a re-payment is not possible without first manually processing a void or credit for the order. If a message is received during a re-payment attempt indicating that the original payment needs to be voided or credited, follow the steps below.

Void an Online Payment

It is possible to void an online payment the same day the payment is processed. Start the void process by clicking on the payment amount link on the order screen.

Invoice order

When the order is already invoiced it is not possible to void the payment even when it is on the same day.
To rollback the payment, the payment should be credited see next chapter 'Refund an Online Payment'


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Click the Void link. (If the Void link is not visible, the payment will instead need to be refunded.) 

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Enter a reason for the void. The reason will be on record in case there are any questions about the adjustment in the future. Click OK to complete the process.

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The reason for the void is shown in the log, and Payment Status changes to Voided.

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The payment shows as Voided on the order, and the Amount Due once again requires payment.

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Refund an Online Payment

If the option to void an online payment is not available, it is because the charge already went through with funding on the way to the merchant account. This can be seen in the example below where the log shows "Transaction settled". In this case, the CreditPayment link will be used to refund the online payment.

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Enter a reason for the CreditPayment. The reason will be on record in case there are any questions about the adjustment in the future. Click OK to complete the process.

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The credit shows on the order. Notice the "used card on file" note. The main reason to keep cards on file is to make refunding easier.

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Invoiced order

When an order is invoiced, the order is read only so changes are possible. When we still need to credit the online payment we first need to create a credit order see ... when the order is credited the credit payment is possible.
After the credit payment is completed the credit payment will be linked to the credit order. 

Batching and Settlement

When FBO One software users submit online credit card transactions for authorization, the charges are approved by the processor immediately. Later, all the charges are automatically "batched" overnight. Batching simply means that all the authorized charges for one day are sent in a single "batch" to the processor(s) for final handling. The time between authorization and batching allows for adjustments to the transactions via the Void process. After batching, "settlement" occurs – the funds from the transactions, minus any processing fees, are queued for deposit to the merchant's account. Receiving payment for the transactions typically takes 24 - 48 hours, but may take longer for certain card types or if there is a bank holiday.

Batching happens automatically, no user action is required. It is possible to review the current status of all credit card transactions via Menu / Administration / Payment / Online Payments.

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Set moment auto Batching and Settlement

OnlinePaymentSettleRobot will settle every night the online payment, the moment the auto batch runs can be set per payment gateway account.

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The value format should be two digits hours 24 hour notation an two digits minutes separated by colon.

When the field 'Daily settle time UTC' is left blank the auto batching and settlement is disabled for this account.



Payment Reporting

Back Office

When reviewing orders and invoices in Back Office, results can be filtered by a single Form of Payment, or sorted by the Already Paid header to get an overview of the payments by card type.

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An extensive Excel report of all payments is available from Reports / Payments.

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The report can be limited to a single day as shown in the example below.

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After opening the report in Excel, click the arrow on the Sort & Filter menu option, and select Filter.

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This will result in having a filter option for each column, allowing display of the results by different payment types.  

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Reporting provided by MSTS

MSTS provides daily reporting to the merchant of the settlement and payment of online transactions. For some card types, this reporting may be sent by email for any day in which there is a transaction processed. For accounts with multiple card types, the reporting may be provided by giving the merchant access to the MSTS online dashboard.