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What are online payments?

FBO One supports taking offline and online payments. This article provides an overview of online payments using the integrated credit card processing functionality in FBO One.


For convenience, it is possible to keep card information stored securely "on file" for future use. The full credit card number is not stored or viewable in FBO One. The card numbers are safely stored in the gateway vault, and a special token representing the card number is returned to FBO One. Subsequent charges or refunds are handled through the passing of the token. 


Online Payment Process

  1. Complete all work on an order.
  2. Start the payment step.
  3. On the Take Payment screen, select "
  4. Successful authorization will result in "Payment has been successfully authorized" message.

Start Payment

When an order is ready for payment, go to the order screen and select the Pay option.


Take Payment

Enter Card Information


After entering the required information, the Submit Card button will be visible. The Submit Card button will move the process to the next screen.

Authorize Online Payment


Receipts can also be emailed. Multiple email addresses can be used; separate each by a semi-colon (;).

Online Payment Complete

After successful authorization, the payment is shown on the order screen.


Various warning messages are just reminders that the previous payment(s) will be automatically voided before processing the new payment.


If the option to void an online payment is not available, it is because the charge already settled overnight with funding on the way to the merchant account, or because the order has already moved to back office and been invoiced. In this case there are two options:

  • Credit Payment after Settlement: Create an automatic credit order to reverse the original order and credit the payment
  • Credit Payment and Rebill after Settlement: Create an automatic credit order to reverse the original order, plus a credit the payment, plus create an automatic related order to recharge correctly, and credit the payment

Credit Payment


These are the steps to completely refund an online credit card payment without collecting a new payment from the same customer for a corrected order.

After an order has been paid by online credit card and Registered to Back Office, if a payment error is found, the correct process is to continue through invoicing the original order. This will keep the original order and payment in sync with the overnight batch/settlement records from the credit card processor and make reconciliation easier for accounting.


1) On the original order, select Credit Order.

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2) On the Credit Order screen, the checkbox for 'Create an extra copy of the order to charge the corrections' will be checked.

  • CREDIT & REBILL: Leave the box checked if you need to refund the original credit card charge PLUS rebill for a different amount or against a different form of payment.
  • CREDIT ONLY: Uncheck the box if you want to reverse the original order and refund the credit card charge without rebilling.

3) For this exampleUNCHECK the box. In this case, the original order will be reversed and the credit card charge refunded without rebilling. The box is unchecked and audit remarks are added.4 

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3) A related credit order is automatically created to reverse the original order. This credit order cannot be revised.5

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4) After the credit order is created, scroll up to the original order and click on the credit card payment.

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65) Select CreditPayment.

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76) The text on screen indicates that the credit card refund will be added to the credit order that was just created so the accounting records will be correct.8)

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Confirmation will be given that credit card refund processed successfully.

Note: In some cases, there may no longer be a credit card stored for the refund. In that case, the system will present a screen requiring entry of credit card information.

9) The original order still shows the original payment.


7) The related credit order shows has the credit card refund









linked to it and can be moved through back office. The original order remains unchanged.

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Credit Payment and Rebill

The steps to completely refund an online credit card payment PLUS rebill the customer are the same as the Credit Payment instructions above with just two changes.

2) On the Credit Order screen, the checkbox for 'Create an extra copy of the order to charge the corrections' will be checked. Leave the box checked

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A related credit order is automatically created to reverse the original order, plus an additional related order will be created to properly rebill the customer. .

This order will be flagged as needing payment. The order can be revised to add or remove products or change rates as needed. Once the order has been corrected, payment can be applied by credit card or another form of payment.

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Batching and Settlement

When FBO One software users submit online credit card transactions for authorization, the charges are approved by the processor immediately. Later, all the charges are automatically "batched" overnight. Batching simply means that all the authorized charges for one day are sent in a single "batch" to the processor(s) for final handling. The time between authorization and batching allows for adjustments to the transactions via the Void process. After batching, "settlement" occurs – the funds from the transactions, minus any processing fees, are queued for deposit to the merchant's account. Receiving payment for the transactions typically takes 24 - 48 hours, but may take longer for certain card types or if there is a bank holiday.

Batching happens automatically, no user action is required. It is possible to review the current status of all credit card transactions via Menu / Administration / Payment / Online Payments.

Set moment auto Batching and Settlement

OnlinePaymentSettleRobot will settle every night the online payment, the moment the auto batch runs can be set per payment gateway account.

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The value format should be two digits hours 24 hour notation an two digits minutes separated by colon.

When the field 'Daily settle time UTC' is left blank the auto batching and settlement is disabled for this account.



Payment Reporting

Back Office
