Better reporting & speed (blue star)

New features & Improvements

Reporting improvements - New columns and fixes:

Receipt/Invoice report improvements

Add Debtor individual address reporting columns allowing for custom debtor address blocks

Order report fixes

LT versions of date time columns missing from Orders (and Payments) (STA/STD, ETA/ETD, Start/End) & Movements (ArrDepScheduled, ArrDepEstimated)

Services reporting new columns:

Transit pax count in and out, FrontOfficeWorkflow name, Supplier Fax, Debtor Fax, Supplier State, Debtor State, Ledger description

Contacts reporting new columns

OverrideAutoAttachJsonToEmailInvoice to Contact data provider

  1. PPP-11254 Add VAT Remark as a separate column for Contact query

  2. PPP-12504 Add 'Disable payment cards on file' column to Aircraft Registration & Contacts queries

  3. PPP-12107 Add columns IsSupplyOrderHtmlFormat, HasPriceReferenceDateForChildServices, IsCostAllowEnterSalesPriceInParentProduct, PriceCalculatorUnitPriceFormula to 'Product data summary' query

  4. PPP-12456 Add 'Supply Order Template Subject' field to 'Product data summary' Query

  5. PPP-12287 Create User and device description variables for the DeviceActivationEmailBody

  6. PPP-11083 Support ~Country~&~VatNo~variables in the NewContactEmailBody email message

  7. Speed and performance improvements

    1. PPP-12653 Enable table cache for TransitionDocumentAttachment table (26-Jan-22)

Bug fixes

  1. API Fixes

    1. PPP-12656 Handling order is not exported because it is incorrectly seen as outdated by the subscriber process (28-Jan-22)

    2. PPP-12538 ToDynamoDBSubscriber is sending handlings to dynamo db from all fbo locations if no fbo location is enabled by custom value

  2. Interface fixes

    1. PPP-12255 'Alt/Shift *' keyboard shortcut in fuel tickets always displays the UTC time in the modernUI screen (5-Jan-22)

    2. PPP-12577 EditStockMutation 'Fuelled by' and 'Fuelling location' expand/clear buttons are hidden in modernUI (17-Jan-22)

    3. PPP-12560 PPPGroup: Improve padding and color (12-Jan-22)

    4. PPP-12647 Admin > Parking Positions is missing 'Delete' button at foot of the list (30-Jan-22)

  3. General bug fixes

    1. PPP-12626 Parent service auto added by secondary service is already marked as deleted by refresh auto add products (24-Jan-22)

    2. PPP-12425 Report Template names containing special characters cause OOPS exception when trying to run a report (5-Jan-22)

    3. PPP-12286 RDL Template Names containing characters cause OOPS Exception during 'Edit RDL template' (5-Jan-22)