July 22 Product Update
New Create Arrival & Departure Only, Home Operator Order screens , Admin page improvements
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Full Release Notes here
New features & Improvements
New screens
Updated Create Arrival & Departure Only Order screens - quickly create Arrival only or Departure only orders on mobile-friendly screens. DEMO:
Updated Create Home Operator Order screen - quickly create Home Operator orders on mobile-friendly screens. DEMO:
Misc improvements
Add a ‘Price agreements’ tab in the aircraft registration detail screen, showing any pricing related to the registration.
Classic table improvements: Add a ‘copy’ link to copy rows on the following admin tables:
FBO locations, Administrations, SKU, Stock locations, Custom values, Parking areas, Parking positions, Scheduled reports, Entry Period Reports, Entry reports, Invoice reports, Order reports, Report Queries, Upload invoices links, Ops Service Filters,
Classic table improvements: Add a ‘Show inactive/expired’ checkbox for filtering on the following admin tables:
Stock locations, Entry periods, FBO locations, Forms of Payment, IP Whitelist, Peak lists, Airport Opening lists, Payment cards on file
Classic table improvements: Add drop-down filters to the following admin tables:
FBO locations (by Administration),
Forms of Payment, Custom values, Match invoices, Contact (Price agreements), Products (Price agreements) (by FBO location)
Improved authorizations for adding Parking and Services to an Order. Restrict the user only to be able to add services or parking positions.
Bug fixes
Interface fixes
CreateOrder - Simplify the display of Custom Values drop-down to mirror Classic remove 'Select' & 'Custom property'
CreateOrder - Order custom values shown in Create Order should be half-width instead of full width for height saving
CreateHandlingOrder - Hide extra 'Handling' header displayed when setting ShowHandlingStation=false
CreateHandlingOrder - Custom Values 'Warning if not specified' is not displayed on Order save
CreateOTCOrder - Overridden 'Start/End time' labels are overflowing fields
Online Payment - Debtor / FOP Clear/drop-down buttons overrun the window and get partially hidden
Browser Tab Label does not reflect the correct page title for Admin > 'Handling Layouts'
Sidebar info texts overlap
Add LT (Local Time) label to 'Valid From Date' and 'Time of day' headers on the Airport Opening List screen
'Custom Property for unit price formula' product drop down is blank when Custom property 'Description' is blank
Authorize Payment UI: Fix header from 'Ballance' to 'Balance'
A/C Reg no longer remains populated when a search is made via the Classic Create Order screen prior to Order creation
CreateHomeOperator UI: Single order start transition opens in classic
Make 'Data Provider Settings' report query field multiline text area, not a text box
Deleting master records takes the user back to Classic not their default view
'Get Live Database' should return users to their default layout and not Classic after copy
Mobile: Add an input type for number, fields for mobile keyboard input
Transit Pax Count isn't showing on Classic Order Screen
CreateOrder: When using the Planboard buttons for Create Order, the registration no longer populates for the CreateOrder (bug introduced to test systems only)
When a debtor is changed in 'Set debtor and form of payment', the FOP is not updated with the contract default
Debtor for a fuel only order should take the contract of the fuel product group
General fixes
RegisterOrder shows an 'API' error for 'You are not allowed to view payments'
Crew/Pax Public API needs an IsCrew flag
UKBF: Improvements in connection for integration.
Carrier Robot cannot create a new registration in the portal when the aircraft description contains '-'
Payments query columns have been blank since June 22 update
SKU filter for Running stock, Daily stock, and Stock mutations only shows SKUs of the context of current FBO location
User Default Layout 'Movements' is not respected after CreateHandlingOrder is executed
'Copy' table row function should highlight the copied row instead of the original row
UTC Timezone shown on Planboard does not update correctly following Daylight Saving
Custom property Fuel Uplift Quantity (PVT USD/USG) blocking Create OTC order
Update parking calculator with a new parking rule for one aircraft
isNil check is not properly importing lodash the library
RegisterOrder shows an 'API' error for 'You are not allowed to view payments'
Contacts' price agreements tab shows agreements for other contacts when there is a match on the contact custom value
'Payment Cards On File' & 'Payment Requests' page is named as 'Payment Gateways' in the tab title
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